Event Details
The event will present various use cases that aim at facilitating international trade using blockchain, from trade finance to transportation and logistics, border procedures, and agriculture. It will discuss how this technology can be used in IP intensive industries and what we can do to avoid creating unnecessary standards-related barriers to trade in blockchain and other emerging digital technologies. It will also explore the implications of the rise of blockchain and other digital technologies for developing countries and review what could be done to ensure that they reap the benefits that these technologies open.
WTO Headquarters, Geneva
2nd – 3rd December, 2019
Finally, it will provide an opportunity to discuss the role of international organizations in promoting a regulatory and policy framework conducive to the deployment of this technology while mitigating the risks that may arise.
Conference Highlights
Towards frictionless trade? The private sector perspective
International trade remains labour and paper-intensive. This session will explore how private sector companies are using the technology to remove frictions from international trade.
Facilitating commodity trade through blockchain
This session will focus on the use of blockchain technology in agriculture and agricultural trade. The blockchain technology is a game changer in the agricultural sector where it can be used for a range of purposes such as improving food traceability, speeding up transactions, facilitating access to credit, creating new market places or facilitating food transport. The use of this technology will therefore help to improve production, connect producers with buyers and smooth trade flows. The speakers will be looking at the different uses of this technology through specific examples.
TBT, standards and Industry 4.0: Blockchain and emerging technologies
This session will explore linkages between trade, standards, the TBT Agreement, and emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things and Autonomous Systems, with emphasis on Blockchain. It will focus on how to avoid creating unnecessary standards-related barriers to trade in these emerging technologies, including through regulatory cooperation and alignment to relevant international standards.
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