December saw the trade surplus reach a monthly record of $104.8 billion, up from $97.4 billion in November. Exports rose 10.7% year-on-year while imports grew just 1%. The widening gap… read more →
At the FCI conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Trade Finance Global spoke to Neil McKain, Country Manager for Uzbekistan at IFC, Davron Ismailov, CEO of Yangi Finance, and Sanjar Nosirov, Director of the Credit Institutions Regulation Methodology Department at the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to learn about the growth of cross-border and domestic trade within Central Asia and what factoring and supply chain finance can do to help.
In light of Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau resigning as his party’s leader in early January, and with Mexico’s President Sheinbaum only holding office since October, Donald Trump may be facing an entirely new set of neighbours upon taking office at the end of the Month.
The 2017 Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR) provides a framework for aligning national laws. While a framework is a crucial step away from a solution, developments in electronic… read more →
To discuss these potential implications and explore how a second Trump presidency will reshape global trade, finance, and geopolitical dynamics, Trade Finance Global spoke with Rebecca Harding, Economist at Rebecanomics; Robert Besseling, CEO at Pangea Risk; Alyssa DiCaprio, former Chief Economist at R3; and Simon Everett, Trade Policy Expert on the day the results were announced.
While China’s ties to Latin America may go back centuries, its influence in the region has rapidly grown since 2001 when China entered into the World Trade Organisation. Political and economic ties were then quickly forged; social ties too, with large Chinese communities currently in Brazil, Cuba, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela.
As part of our C-Suite Leadership Series, Deepesh Patel, Editorial Director at Trade Finance Global (TFG) spoke with Angela Duca, Global Specialty Head, Credit Specialties at Marsh, to help answer pressing questions about the trade and credit landscape.
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) is developing a comprehensive international convention to standardise negotiable cargo documents across multiple transportation modes, potentially transforming international trade documentation practices.… read more →
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and HSBC have announced a $1 billion risk-sharing facility designed to boost trade financing for banks in emerging markets across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
The strategy, unveiled at the event, includes a commitment to ensuring that more than half of global trade will be governed by laws recognising electronic trade documents by the end… read more →