A pilot program led by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has demonstrated a promising new approach to combating trade-based money laundering (TBML). This vast and underreported financial crime enables the flow of illicit funds through the global trade system.
In Georgia, the high costs associated with providing banking services to SMEs and stringent creditworthiness or collateral requirements pose
At the International Trade and Forfaiting Association’s (ITFA) 50th annual conference, Deepesh Patel, Editorial Director at Trade Finance Global, spoke to Marcus Miller, Managing Director, Global Lenders Solutions Group Leader, Credit Specialties at Marsh, about the OTD model and responsiveness to regulation.
At ITFA’s 50th annual conference in Cyprus, Rebecca Harding, Director at Rebeccanomics, explained a few reasons to Deepesh Patel, Editorial Director at Trade Finance Global.
MC13 has been extended by an additional day, entering its fifth day, as countries continue negotiations on key agreements.
US sanctions reinstated on Venezuela; Venezuelan Supreme Court prohibits opposition leaders’ candidacy in upcoming presidential elections.
Recent British-Canadian free trade negotiations have been put on hold due to market access barriers – find out why.
One year after an EU court ruling on beneficial ownership registers left civil society and journalists in 13 countries encountering obstacles or completely unable to access information regarding companies’ real owners, Transparency International (TI) has published analysis of how different European states have responded by introducing disparate approaches to beneficial ownership access.
Today, the European Parliament approved a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the EU and New Zealand. The FTA will eliminate all tariffs on EU exports to New Zealand upon its implementation.… read more →
Britain and South Korea have decided to prolong the duration of minimal or zero tariffs on mutual trade involving goods with components from the European Union, according to an announcement… read more →